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Night Nurse  (1931)

Fast-paced, sexy and over the top, this medical melodrama has a nurse uncovering a plot to starve two little girls to death for their inheritance.  A brutish chauffeur (Clark Gable) aids and abets the evil plot, but he's foiled by Lora Hart (Barbara Stanwyck), shown in pre-Code lingerie during much of the action.  Characteristic of director William A. Wellman's filmic women, Stanwyck is tough and funny, with energy to spare.

Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.  Director: William A. Wellman.  Screenwriter: Oliver H. P. Garrett.  Based on the novel by Dora Macy.  Cinematography: Barney McGill.  Editor: Edw. M. McDermott.  Cast: Barbara Stanwyck, Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Clark Gable, Blanche Frederici.  35mm, b/w, 69 min.