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Nevada (1944)

Directed by Edward Killy

In his first starring role at RKO, Mitchum slips into the character of laid-back cowpoke Jim Lacy like sliding into a pair of well-worn blue jeans. After winning a big stake at a dice game—and a subsequent run in with gamblers—Lacy and his pals head for Comstock with a case of gold fever but it’s really silver in them thar hills and a corrupt assayer wants to get his hands on every last ounce. The plot here, complete with bum murder rap and show girl with a conscience, make this second remake of Zane Grey’s novel creak like a saloon sign in a ghost town but Mitchum swaggers through it all with the magnetic aplomb.

Based on the novel by Zane Grey; Screenwriter: Norman Houston; Cinematographer: Harry J. Wild; Editor: Roland Gross; Cast: Robert Mitchum, Anne Jeffreys; Guinn Big; Nancy Gates; Richard Martin. 

16mm, b/w, 62 min.