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Restored by UCLA Film & Television Archive with funding provided by Sony Pictures Corporation and The Packard Humanities Institute

The Milky Way  (1936)

Although The Milky Way, adapted from the successful 1934 Broadway play of the same name, was originally intended as a Jack Oakie vehicle, the role of timid, bespectacled Burliegh Sullivan ended up being a pitch-perfect character for Harold Lloyd, who had already successfully transitioned to sound films.  Utilizing all of Lloyd’s silent era strengths for madcap physical comedy and pratfalls, this very funny and breezy screwball comedy shines with the star’s performance as a mild-mannered milkman who is mistakenly identified as a boxing champion.

When it debuted in 1936, The New York Times stated, “We expected a one-man show; The Milky Way is nearer a three-ring circus.”  Helmed by the talented Leo McCarey, this film is a fine example of the director’s tremendous winning streak of critically acclaimed and financially successful features throughout the 1930s, each noted for their outstanding ensemble work.  In the end, it is ringmaster McCarey and his fine supporting cast that elevate this gem to comedic perfection.  Wisecracking, gum-smacking Adolphe Menjou as the insomniac fight manager, Helen Mack as the feisty sister, the delightful Verree Teasdale who teaches our hero to box in waltz-time, and sparring partner Lionel Stander are just several of the supporting players that easily contribute to the film’s unwavering amusement.  Lionel Stander got to reprise his role in the 1946 Samuel Goldwyn remake of this film titled The Kid From Brooklyn, starring Danny Kaye.

Hollywood anecdotes have long indicated that producer Goldwyn had the original negative and almost all existing prints of The Milky Way destroyed when he bought the rights to remake the film.  Thankfully, Harold Lloyd’s 35mm safety dupe negative made from his original nitrate print was vaulted at the Archive many decades ago and was the source of this photochemical preservation.  —Todd Wiener

Director: Leo McCarey.  Production: Paramount Productions, Inc.  Distribution: Paramount Productions, Inc.  Producer: E. Lloyd Sheldon.  Screenwriters: Grover Jones, Richard Connell, Frank Butler.  Based on the play The Milky Way by Lynn Root and Harry Clork.  Cinematographer: Alfred Gilks.  Art Direction: Hans Dreier, Bernard Herzbrun. Editor: LeRoy Stone.  Cast: Harold Lloyd, Adolphe Menjou, Verree Teasdale, Helen Mack, William Gargan.  35mm, b/w, 85 min.

Restored from a 35mm acetate composite dupe negative and a 35mm acetate rerecorded track negative.  Laboratory services by The Stanford Theatre Film Laboratory, DJ Audio.  Special thanks to: Suzanne Lloyd—Harold Lloyd Entertainment, Inc.