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Impulse (1954)

Directed by Cy Endfield.  

Impulse, which Cy Endfield directed (as Charles de Lautour) and co-wrote (as Jonathan Roche), throws its American protagonist into two foreign worlds: the provincial village where he lives with his English wife, and the London underworld to which he is lured by a femme fatale.  A low-budget B production, Impulse succeeds in fusing classic noir themes with an outsider’s view of British society that Endfield credited to his still “alienated eye.”

Tempean Films. Producer: Robert S. Baker, Monty Berman. Screenwriter: Cy Endfield, Lawrence Huntington. Cinematographer: Jonah Jones. Editor: Jack Slade. Cast: Arthur Kennedy, Constance Smith, Joy Shelton, Jack Allen, James Carney.

16mm, b/w, 80 min.