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Gallant Lady  (1933)

Pathé’s most valuable “asset” when RKO acquired it in 1931, Ann Harding carved out a new career status as a “semi-independent” by leveraging competing offers to strengthen her position with her new bosses, while retaining options to make films outside RKO-Pathé.  One of those projects was this powerful and moving melodrama about a successful career woman who gets a second chance to raise the son she had to give up for adoption years before. 

35mm, b/w, 84 min.  Production: 20th Century Pictures, Inc.  Distribution: United Artists.  Producer: Darryl F. Zanuck.  Director: Gregory La Cava.  Screenwriter: Douglas Z. Doty, Gilbert Emery, Sam Mintz.  Cinematographer: Peverell Marley.  Editor: Barbara McLean.  Cast: Ann Harding, Clive Brook, Otto Kruger, Tullio Carminati, Dickie Moore.