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Chandu the Magician  (1932)

Public interest in magic, hypnotism and mysticism coalesced in the radio-original character of Frank Chandler, alias Chandu the Magician, an American with mind control and invisibility powers learned from a Hindu yogi.  Translating extravagant audio storylines with special effects and exotic sets, Chandu is rife with occult tricks, deadly traps and sinister laboratories as its title mystic battles megalomaniac, death ray–wielding Roxor (Bela Lugosi).

16mm, b/w, 75 min.  Production: Fox Film Corp.  Distribution: Fox Film Corp.  Director: Marcel Varnel, William C. Menzies.  Based on the radio series created by Harry A. Earnshaw, Vera M. Oldham and R.R. Morgan.  Screenwriter: Barry Conners, Philip Klein.  Cinematographer: James Howe.  Editor: Harold Schuster.  With: Edmund Lowe, Irene Ware, Bela Lugosi, Herbert Mundin, Henry B. Walthall.