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Episode 1533

August 11, 1943


Original air date unknown; only record date known.

Cast: Gertrude Berg (Molly Goldberg); James R. Waters (Jake Goldberg); Roslyn Silber (Rosalie Goldberg); Alfred Ryder (Sammy Goldberg); Menasha Skulnik (Uncle David).

Announcer introduction: "Molly Goldberg is a great metaphysical inventor. Her inventions never get patented and she never makes any money out of them... but when they work, they help change people. In this particular case, Molly is working on a scheme to which her whole family objects, and one which they think is doomed to failure. The person is Grace, who came to the Goldbergs some time ago posing as Molly's daughter-in-law. Now the Goldbergs know that Grace, who is really married to George, is a petty thief, but Grace doesn't know that her secret is out. Molly is trying to get Grace to confess of her own free will. And she was pretty sure she had broken down Grace's defenses when the girl broke into tears last night. But it seems Molly was happy too soon, for Grace told George that they had better clear out with the money. Listen..."

Announcer close: "Molly knows something that Rosie doesn't know about human beings that individual people cannot be changed by mechanical things like threats or promises. To change a person you have to discover the secret in that person's life... and Molly is obstinate enough to find it in Grace's past."